About Us

Vex Hymn is a record label and clothing brand based out of British Columbia, Canada. Our artists and founder are from the Okanagan, and are striving to grow the Vex Hymn label/brand, as well as their artists.


We strive to be as transparent as possible with our friends, fans, and family. All proceeds from merchandise purchases go to the artists associated with the products directly, as well as their music. These can be things such as but are not limited to:

- Marketing 

- Mixing & Mastering of Music

- Artwork

- Travelling for events such as shows, recording studios, photo shoots, etc.

If you do have inquiries be sure to reach out to us directly at support@vexhymn.com, through our Contact Us page at the bottom of the site, or via instagram @imtherealkai or @vexhymn. All inquiries can and may include order details, shipping questions, artist inquiries, show bookings, mixing and mastering, beat purchases. 

If you are a graphic designer, photographer, or anything along this field and would like to work with Vex Hymn whether it be in regards to cover arts, merchandise partnerships, etc. please do reach out through the contact information above.